Please find attached the 2022 Oceania Junior and Oceania Youth results for male and female. This tournament was held this past weekend for the first time online. The event was successful with some excellent results coming from these young lifters.
Please find attached the start list and schedule for the Oceania Commonwealth Games Invitational being held online later in the week.
Please find attached the start list and schedule for the 2022 Oceania Youth & Junior Championships being held online later in the week.
Please find attached the latest OWF Newsletter
The Oceania Weightlifting Federation wishes to invite all Commonwealth Games athletes from the Oceania region who have qualified for the Birmingham Games to compete on the 28th May, 2022, in an online tournament. This date was selected because it fits in perfectly with two months to go to the beginning of the weightlifting at the Commonwealth Games.
It is with great pleasure that I send you this years OWF Cup International online results. This event is getting better and better each year.
Please find attached results from the Commonwealth Games Online Qualifier and the NZL International.
Please find attached the latest OWF Rankings and Records
Attached please find the final round of the Premiers League and the League A tournaments results.